Outlook Mountain Mission, Inc

About image
Outlook Mountain Mission, Inc. (OMMI) is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization that was created to help fund medical clinics that will serve families in poorer regions of Guatemala.  For the last 11 years, our church, the Gathering Community Church, in conjunction with numerous churches throughout the southeast and across the eastern seaboard, has been working directly with the Central Missionary Baptist Church in Jalapa, Guatemala to help plant churches in the towns and villages surrounding Jalapa.  We have been able to assist with construction projects, vacation bible school, pastor training, and by conducting mobile medical clinics.

The purpose of the mobile clinics is to show the love of Christ in a practical way by providing much needed medical services to people who do not otherwise have access or necessary funds to seek medical attention. Our mobile clinics are conducted twice yearly during February and July of each year for a week at a time. We evaluate and treat between 1,200 and 1,500 people during each of these clinics. All services including medications are provided free of charge. Our church will continue to run and fund these mobile clinics.

However, the Central Missionary Baptist Church has asked us to help build and fund brick and mortar clinics that will provide more permanent medical attention to these underserved people in areas where their churches are located, as well as areas where churches they work closely with throughout Guatemala are located. These clinics will offer more complete medical services and monthly medications that are free of charge to this poor population.
The brick and mortar clinics will be directly run and operated by the local churches in Guatemala. As you can imagine, the cost of obtaining the land, building the clinic, obtaining medical licensing and operating these clinics is prohibitive for these Guatemalan churches. OMMI has committed to helping these churches where the gospel is being spread and where the love of Christ is being shared.

We are looking for like-minded people who are interested in assisting this mission financially. Please consider giving today.

Donation Amount

The Central Missionary Baptist Church in Jalapa

Las Laureles, Jalapa

El Terrero, Jalapa

Los Pinos


Conrado de la Cruz

Matthew Smith


Matthew is an Emergency Department Physician Assistant and has been running the mobile clinics in Guatemala from their inception.

Mary Hope

Vice President

Mary is an Urgent Care Physician Assistant and has been assisting with the mobile clinics since 2015.

Rian Meadows


Rian is a Pharmacy Technician and has been running the pharmacy for the mobile clinics since their inception.

Joshua Ludwig

Board Member

Josh is the former Missions Pastor for the Gathering Community Church in Fuquay Varina, NC and has been with us to Guatemala on many occasions.

Larry Canning

Board Member

Larry is the owner of a contracting business in New York and has provided his expertise as well as assisted hands on with the construction efforts in Guatemala during multiple trips.

  • Willow Spring, North Carolina, United States